Projekt »Slepota ni ovira za podjetništvo« nagrajen v Berlinu

Projekt »Slepota ni ovira za podjetništvo« nagrajen v Berlinu

V Sloveniji je približno 10.000 slepih in slabovidnih oseb, zaposlenih pa jih je le približno 6%. V Primorskem tehnološkem parku so zato v sodelovanju z Medobčinskim društvom slepih in slabovidnih Nova Gorica (MDSSNG) med prvimi v Evropi izvedli projekt, ki z...
Rok Gulič: Assuming is just that, assuming!

Rok Gulič: Assuming is just that, assuming!

How do you create a product or service that becomes a bestseller? By developing it in a customer-oriented way. How do you do that? By listening closely to the customer. And by testing. And you test again. Our mentor at GoStartup School 2020 Rok Gulič told us a...
Blog: 5 secrets of a successful entrepreneur

Blog: 5 secrets of a successful entrepreneur

The entrepreneurial path is never boring; it is accompanied by ups and downs. It is necessary to constantly adapt and look for answers to different challenges. Besides change, which is the only constant, there is another constant in entrepreneurship, and that is the...
We connect entrepreneurs and researchers

We connect entrepreneurs and researchers

Entrepreneurs who need research in their work! At this webinar, research laboratories from the NANO-REGION network presented their services, which are available to companies in the form of a “proof of concept” mechanism. Examples and possibilities of...
My New Products aren’t Selling. Why?

My New Products aren’t Selling. Why?

Blog by Matta Mayfielda. When you know your market, but it is not responding like you think it should Cause 1: The product / feature does not work good enough. Very often version 1 of a new product misses it’s mark. Customer interviews and/or user analytics are the...